Creating Freedom

Value creation is key.

It doesn’t matter what job you are doing. If you are creating value for someone else you will have a job. Whether it be hating your job in a corporate office or walking pets for a living, as long as you remember your worth is in value creation, you will always be employable.

Once you have been employed for long enough you begin to realize the things that create more value. Sometimes stepping outside the box creates the most, but  you may have too many rules/social pressures keeping you in the box. The key is forgetting those cues. They don’t really exist. Whether they’re figments of your imagination or real, by stepping out of the box and creating value you are not going to become unemployed.

Too often I find myself in this trap. I am great at creating value. I take on more and more work and cut it’s processing time in half, in thirds, in some cases make the job obsolete. But I still get trapped. I cop out and think I am not in charge, I’ll let someone else make the decision. What I need to do is step up, take ownership, and see the process through from start to finish. This is easier said than done. But hopefully, by reminding myself that value creating is key, I can continue to break out of the box.

My mind functions way better when it’s free, so do all of ours. Keeping my mind free of the “gray-zone” and stepping up ownership in an outside-of-the-box approach can enable me to continue creating value while building freedoms into my life.