Don’t Do Stuff You Hate, Start with WHY. Lessons from Isaac Morehouse and Simon Sinek.
Don’t Do Stuff You Hate
This isn’t a lesson in don’t do stuff. This is a lesson of giving lots of things a try and finding out if you like it or not. It’s also not a lesson in don’t do stuff that’s hard. Usually, the hardest stuff is the most rewarding. Don’t do stuff you hate is a lesson in finding your passion by eliminating the stuff that isn’t getting you there. The lesson: Instead of struggling with the routine nature of life, start tossing things out that aren’t meaningful. By becoming a minimalist in habits and lifestyles, you allow yourself time to grow the things you’re most passionate about.
Without avoiding things because you might hate them, try lots of new things and reflect on their capabilities to make you feel fulfilled. As soon as you learn it doesn’t make you come alive or doesn’t have the potential to make you come alive, chuck it out and continue searching. Eventually, throwing out the stuff you hate will light up your passions so bright that they’re impossible to ignore.
Start With WHY
Part of the path is learning what you hate, stop doing that stuff, and start pursuing your passion. The other part of the path is to start asking yourself WHY. Both asking yourself WHY you’re passionate about something and WHY you do what you do. By starting your exploration with WHY, you are sure to figure out what makes you come alive and start with a true-bearing north. When you get stuck, or the going gets tough, you’ll know the direction to travel. Without knowing your WHY, your passion is wasted. Instead, make sure you couple them together because WHY is what will get you through the toughest times.
When you’re doing stuff you don’t love, but know you need to do, WHY will be your most important motivator.