We Make Decisions With Our Gut (aka Limbic Brain)

A “Gut” Decision

Ever get that gut feeling that something’s right or something’s terribly wrong? Well, that feeling isn’t coming from your gut, it’s coming from your limbic brain.

We don’t make decisions based on our what our stomach feels. We make decisions on what our oldest piece of the brain believes. It’s the best at making fight or flight decisions and knowing when something “feels” right or wrong. What so many of us believe to be a feeling is merely our evolved brain coming to a split second decision.

Sales Requires Pitching to the Limbic Brain

In Pitch Anything, Oren Klaff refers to the limbic brain as a “croc” brain. Basically, he’s claiming we make decisions with the brain that evolved from prehistoric times. The croc brain is the most important piece to the puzzle when trying to sell something to a potential buyer. Although you may be able to pitch WHAT the product is, or HOW it’ll benefit their lives, the croc brain only listens to the WHY.

Selling is important to everyone which makes the limbic brain important to everyone. We don’t make decisions on hard data or all facts, we make decisions based on the limbic brain’s desires. Everything we want in life, and everything others want in life, is based on their feelings.

When Making Decisions, Listen to Your Limbic Brain

Next time you’re trying to get someone to make a decisionĀ or make a decision yourself, rely on your “gut” decision. Although you might want to believe that’s your gut speaking, it’s really the oldest brain you possess. The evolutionary wisdom within your brain is far greater than the facts and data you might fill it with.