Don’t Be the Victim, Take Responsibility

The following two quotes are from guys I’ve gotten to know through the power of the internet. Both of them are extremely motivated and do a lot of different things. Both of them have very similar mindsets. These quotes summarize my feelings right now.

With anything in life, you always have three options: you can change it, you can accept it, or you can leave it.

The majority of discontent in life comes from not taking the responsibility to choose one of these options. –Kylon Geinger

Even when you have a deep understanding of yourself, there are many decisions in life that involve picking between imperfect options. Living with integrity in these situations is about making a choice and living with it. Not filling yourself with regret, or becoming a victim, but accepting your choices and learning from them when you don’t like the results. – Ryan Ferguson

We all make incorrect decisions. We all make correct decisions. No matter what decision we make, we must take responsibility for choosing the outcome. Even if we regret a decision, we cannot fill ourselves with it. We must live with the choice we made and live with integrity to get through it.

Wherever you are in your life, reminding yourself of these short passages can make a difference. Don’t be the victim. Take responsibility for your situation. And live with integrity. At the end of the day, the only person you have to satisfy is the one in the mirror.