My biggest issue with getting stuff done is the mental roadblock that only I know exists. I might come up with a cool idea but then I start overthinking the ins-and-outs of how it’d work. I think about all the hours I’d spend on the final product and not knowing if it’d be worth it or not and push it to the side.
I know this is the wrong approach but I forget about a simple rule I was taught as a kid: KISS (keep it simple ____). The simpler the task, the more likely it’ll get done. That is my mentality for this blog going forward and for all the projects I’m trying to work on.
In my blog’s case, I have set up a system of writing in Evernote which will then be added to my drafts in WordPress by using a tool called Zapier. This was a big pain in the butt when I first started blogging. Between writing a post, copying/pasting the post to WordPress, reformatting the post, adding hyperlinks and finding an image, a lot of my time seemed wasted. So this time around, I’m KISSing. Keeping it simple.
My other projects are pretty large and will require attention everyday. These are passion projects that I’ve wanted to accomplish but had gotten too deep into overthinking that I hadn’t come close to accomplishing them. So, in the mentality of keeping it simple, I have started outlining these tasks in detail and will focus on one little piece at a time. Eventually, the pieces will come together for the finished project but I know if I don’t do it that way nothing will get started.
Keeping it simple is a quick and easy way to get into productive habits one step at a time. Instead of worrying about the end goal, I can move forward little by little and actually see my progress. Simplifying everything I want to accomplish is the start of getting it done.